We’ve all heard of New Year’s resolutions to stay on track and build good habits, but have you ever chosen a Word of the Year?

That’s right. One word, or a short phrase, that will define your intentions for an entire year.

It may sound a little too simple, but that’s exactly why it works so well. 

As we head into a new year, we’ll have an opportunity to reflect on what we want to bring more of into our lives. During this period of reflection, certain words or phrases may come up over and over again.

Those words likely hold a special meaning to you, and you shouldn’t ignore them.

I’d like to challenge you to choose a Word of the Year - one word or phrase that will set the tone you want for the next 365 days.

Your word will be a little beacon you return to as you navigate personal challenges and work toward your goals. It’ll be on your mind when you wake up in the morning, when you need to make important decisions, and when you celebrate your accomplishments.

What does it mean to choose a Word for the Year?

Choosing a word for the year is meant to inspire you to pursue your dreams and remind you to focus your time and energy on your intended path.

Your word also simplifies the idea of making a list of new year resolutions or affirmations. Instead of trying to remember a list of goals or phrases, you’ll have one word to return to whenever you need a little guidance.

Always having that word in your thoughts acts as a touchstone for your subconscious mind. Your word creates a solid point of reference to return to and a simple source of motivation whenever you need it.

Your word can be general and refer to multiple areas of your life, like “bliss” or “growth.” You can also choose a more specific word to keep your focus on a meaningful goal, like “home” or “sobriety.”

It doesn’t really matter what your word is; it just needs to be important to you. It can be a noun, a verb, an adverb. The word itself doesn’t matter as long as it sparks a little fire inside of you when you think about it.

Besides serving as a simple reminder of your intentions at the start of the year, your word can also adapt to new situations and challenges each day. As the events of your life unfold, use your word in each new context to guide you through whatever situation you find yourself in.

I have selected the same word for the last couple of years because it’s worked very well for me.

That word is CAN.

This short and simple word contradicted my old patterns of thinking. For years I believed I was not capable of doing what I wanted.

It turned out that I can do a lot.

The first year I introduced this word into my daily life I produced two online training programs, presented a workshop at a coaches’ conference, got interviewed for a podcast, and published my second book.

Choosing a word to guide me through my year was pivotal to my success and accomplishments. My word helped me through tough times and remember why I was working so hard.

I believe that anyone can benefit from choosing a word that’s meaningful to them and committing a year to that one word.


How to choose your Word of the Year

Choosing a word might feel a little overwhelming at first, but taking the time to sit quietly and reflect on your life and priorities will eventually bring you to a word that feels right.

Here’s a process that can help you find your word.

Step 1. Reflect on your life in the previous year. What would you have wanted more or less of?

Step 2. Meditate or sit in silence for a couple of minutes and ask yourself, “What do I want to create? What do I want to be? What do I want to have? What word do I want to focus on in the upcoming year?”

Step 3. Brainstorm with a pen and paper. Write down three to five words that describe what you want in your future. Begin to narrow it down based on how each word makes you feel. Keep eliminating words until you have a word that inspires the feeling you want for your coming year.

 Step 4. Commit to the word you choose. Make sure you have it written down in a few places where you’ll see it every day. Use your word as your phone background and computer desktop. Write it on sticky notes and put them all over your house.

How to use your Word of the Year

Choosing your Word of the Year is probably the hardest part of the process. Now, you’ll just need to remember to use it when you need it.

 It may help to begin by journaling or writing out a short explanation about why you chose your word. Think about what the word means to you and how it makes you feel. Why is that so important for you this year? How does your word fit with your goals?

 Then, set aside a few minutes every day to think about your word and how it fits into your life. You can reflect on your word anytime - during your commute to work or while you do the dishes. Regularly ask yourself whether your latest thoughts and actions reflect your chosen word. What can you do to get closer to your word’s meaning?

 Your word may also pop into your head while you’re facing a challenge or making a tough decision. When this happens, stop and think about your word. How can you apply your word to this challenge? What choice can you make now to bring you closer to the meaning of your word?



Choosing a Word of the Year is a fun and rewarding exercise to set an intention for your year and create the change you want in your life.

Click here for a printable free Word of the year Inspiration List

Click here for a printable worksheet to help you set the tone for the year
